I am a recent college grad and it feels weird so far. I can pick my own books out, I have time to do whatever I wish, and soon hopefully, I won’t be so damn broke. I am twenty seven and married to a wonderfully supportive husband. We have a four legged baby, named Vinot, who is absolutely the smartest, cutest, sweetest, cuddle buddy ever, no contest.
I take after my Mother in ways. She is always on the move, and she takes on more projects than she can handle. There are new ideas popping in to my head all the time, things I would like to do or create. Many get set aside for the priority list that consists of a repetitive routine of life. To reassure the grand finale of my projects, I have brought on this blog, as a showcase for my random to-dos.
I hit the parents jack-pot, they always gave me everything I needed to make whatever I wanted, including ideas. When I was younger, I never really understood the phrase, “I’m bored.” I remember it as a readily used, con-artist term to get your folks to take you to six-flags or the zoo. It never really worked in my family. If I used those terms I got sent to do something productive. Art classes took up my entire elective enrollment as a student. I never wanted to do the assignments if I felt like the finished product was going to be something that I didn’t want to display in my room or give it to someone as a gift. I was never short of art supplies, and if I did need something I just stole it from my brothers. It was as if the craft supplies were figured into the family budget.
I try to keep an eclectic range of music in my library. It’s funny when there is something you just don’t get, you are fascinated by it. That’s how I feel about music. If there is something that is new and rocking, I would love to hear it.I love to travel. I have been to many places I would love to go back to, but there are too many places that I have not experienced yet. I am also taking suggestions for travel.